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원어민 일상생활 영어문장 That's not gonna happen

by 세못없내안뿐 2024. 5. 17.

모던패밀리 미드 1-1편에 나오는 원어민 영어문장들을 가지고 여러 가지 일상적인 영어표현들을 알아보는 시간입니다. 쉬운 영어와 함께 해보세요.



그런일은 일어나지 않을거야




오늘의 미드 모던패밀리의 원어민 영어문장 표현 : That's not gonna happen. 


[모던패밀리 시즌 1-1 중에서] Haley : Why are you guys yelling at us, 왜 엄마아빠는 저희에 소리를 질러요, when we're way upstairs, 우리가 윗층에 있을 때, just text me. 그냥 문자보내요. Claire : Alright, That's not gonna happen, 그래, 그런 일은 없을 거야(그건 안돼), and, wow, you're not wearing that outfit. 그리고, 와, 너는 그 옷 못 입는다.(너 그 옷 입지 않게 될 거다)



[The Fast and The Furious 영화 중에서]So, you got big plans tonight? Yeah, we're going out to dinner. You break her heart, I'll break your neck. That's not gonna happen. I wanna show you something. Wow. Me and my dad built her. Nine hundred horses of Detroit muscle. It's a beast. Know what she ran in Palmdale? No. What did she run? Nine seconds flat. God. My dad was driving. So much torque, the chassis twisted coming off the line. 토크가 너무 커서, 차체가 뒤틀렸고 라인에서 벗어났다. Barely kept her on the track. 간신히 트랙을 지켰다 So, what's your best time? I've never driven her. Why not? It scares the shit out of me. That's my dad.



그런일 없어



[The Hangover(2009) 영화중에서] What? We can't find Doug. What are you saying, Phil? We're getting married in five hours. Yeah. That's not gonna happen. To my left a little. Thank you. Okey-dokey. Whoa, watch it, pervert! [#변질자, 변태, 타락시키다]  Alan, he's just doing your inseam.[(바지, 구두) 안쪽솔기] He's getting very close to my shaft. [#음경(속어)] All done. 끝났어 You can change now. Right. Thanks, Floyd. Thank you very much. All right, buddy, we should get a move on. You know, Doug, I was thinking... If you wanna go to Vegas without me, that is totally cool, you know? What are you talking about? You know, Phil and Stu, they're your buddies, and it's your bachelor party.[#총각파티]



Come on, Alan. Those two love you. And also, I don't want you to feel like you have to hold back because your wife's brother's there. I just...It's not like that. It's not like that. I already told you, Alan. Okay? We're just spending the night in Vegas. It's no big deal. Besides, you're not just my wife's brother, you're my brother now. I want you to know, Doug, I'm a steel trap. Whatever happens tonight, I will never, ever, ever, speak a word of it. Okay. Yeah, I got it. Thank you. I don't think that... Seriously. I don't care what happens. I don't care if we kill someone.  What? You heard me. It's Sin City. I won't tell a soul. Okay. I got it. Thank you. No, thank you. I love you so much. Ha. I knew it. Dad. Oh, stop it, I'm just jerking around. Alan, put some pants on. You have weird legs. Yes, Daddy.



영화의 대본으로 알아본 원어민 일상생활 문장정리

  1. So, you got big plans tonight? 그래, 오늘 저녁에 큰 계획(일) 있어?
  2. Yeah, we're going out to dinner. 응, 우리 저녁 먹으러 갈 거야.
  3. You break her heart, I'll break your neck. 그녀 마음 아프게 하면, 너 목을 부러뜨려버릴 거다.
  4. I wanna show you something. 너한테 뭐 보여주고 싶은 게 있다.( 너 보여줄 거 있다) 
  5. It scares (the shit) out of me. 이게 날 무섭게 해(무섭다)
  6. What are you saying, Phil? 무슨 말하는 거예요 필? 
  7. To my left a little. 조금만 내 왼쪽으로
  8. What are you talking about?
  9. I don't want you to feel like you have to hold back. 참아야 된다는 느낌을 안 받았으면 해요.



오늘도 모던패밀리에 나오는 원어민 영어문장 That's not gonna happen을 통해서 실생활에서 사용되는 여러 문장들을 알아봤습니다. 생소한 단어들은 따로 표시해 뒀으니 한 번 더 공부해 보시길 바랍니다. 영어를 익히는 것은 다른 언어를 알아가는 과정이기에 시간이 반드시 필요하다는 것을 꼭 명심하셨으면 합니다. 그럼 다음 시간에 또 뵙겠습니다. 감사합니다.

