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모던패밀리로 배우는 원어민영어

원어민 영어문장 get down here!

by 세못없내안뿐 2024. 5. 15.

미국드라마 모던패밀리 시즌 1-1편의 대본을 보면서 원어민들이 일상생활에서 늘 사용하는 영어문장을 배워보는 시간입니다. 다른 장면에서는 어떻게 사용되는지 알아보겠습니다.



얘들아? 내려와!



오늘의 미드 모던패밀리의 원어민 영어문장 표현 : Kids, get down here!


[모던패밀리 시즌 1-1 대본중에서]

Phil : Kids, get down here! [#1. 내려와 2. 고개 숙여 3. 시작하다] 얘들아, 여기로 내려와! Haley : Why are you guys yelling at us, 왜 엄마아빠는 저희에 소리를 질러요, when we're way upstairs, 우리가 위층에 있을 때, just text me. 그냥 문자 보내요. 



[Aliens in the Attic 영화 대본 중에서]

Sounds like they're mad. [Yelling] Nice job. I think it's working. [Stuart] Kids, get down here right now! Who turned on the heat? I did. Um, we need that on. Are you crazy? It's July. Yeah, but it's... it's freezing in here. Ooh, yeah. Ooh, Arctic. Yeah. I think Hannah's coming down with something. [Coughing] What's going on? We're fighting aliens. I'm pretending it's pretend. I mean, it is pretend. Okay, but I'm not pretending, so don't touch the thermostat.(|θɜːrməstæt)[#자동온도조절장치] Tom, I'm not playing around. 톰, 장난하는 거 아니야. Neither am I. 저도 아니에요. Tom, I'm not kidding. You want to(=wanna) spend the rest of the week in your room? Why can't you at least trust there's a reason I'm doing this? A reason why you're blasting [#폭파] the furnace(ˈfɜːrnɪs)[#난방로, 아궁이](ˈfɜːrnɪs) on summer vacation?



얘들아!지금당장 내려와!


Yes. A reason why you shot your sister's boyfriend? Yes. A reason why you're talking back, giving me attitude? [#건방지게 행동하다] Failing your classes? So that's what this is about? I failed them on purpose. [#고의로] Yeah, I tanked my grades, okay? I'm tired of getting picked on because I'm a brainiac.(bréiniæ̀k)[#머리는 비상하나 비현실적인(사람)]  I was a brainiac. It worked for me. I don't want to(=wanna) be like you. I wanna be cool. Don't touch the thermostat. Is that true? You really fail on purpose? Nobody likes a mathlete.(ˈmaθliːt)[#수학경시대회 참가자](=mathematician 수학자) Man, we can't fight these things with our parents around. We can’t just get rid of 'em. Maybe we can. Here's what I want you to do.



[The Detour 시즌 1-1 중에서]

Wait. Where are you going? This is not the way. We go straight. He's following us. He's not following. Why would anyone want to(=wanna) follow us?  I don't know. To carjack us. Rifle through our bags 우리 가방을 강탈하고 and steal our jewelry, perhaps. Why would you even bring the good jewelry? I told you not to bring the good jewelry. And I told you I wanted to fly. Call 9-1-1, Jared. Um, what's the number? How is that my job to teach him that? Your job was police and stranger danger stuff. Ah, I got no bars. [#신호가 안 잡혀] Neither do I. That's okay. I'm gonna shake him. [#그 글 떨구어 볼게] That's your shake move? Pull over? [#길한쪽으로 차를 세우다] Don't stop. Sorry! I don't know what else to do. Kids, get down, get down. [#숙여, 숙여] Mommy's not gonna let anything bad happen to you. Okay, I'm gonna find out what the hell this guy wants. Okay, but be careful. I love you.  I love you. Oh! And I'm sorry I lied to you. That was so stupid.  It really was. Yeah. Okay. All right. Okay.  All right. Hey! Easy, sweetie. I got you, baby.








얘들아, 숙여, 내려가



Just so you know, the police have been called! We called the police, and they're on their way! No, we called them... On you! We got your plates! We got your plate! [#자동차번호판] What? Just tell 'em it was a joke, like a goof. [#멍청이] I'm pretty sure this particular goof is a federal crime. What do you want from us?! Babe, I got this. Relax. Would you please stop telling me to relax? I'm just trying to control the situation out here, baby. So, so condescending [#잘난 체하다] no matter what the situation is. Okay, stranger danger... my thing, right? Okay, fine, then take care of it. Okay, hey! What do you want from us?! Give us the children!  What? What? The kids! Give us the kids, and nobody gets hurt!


원어민 일상생활 문장정리

  1. I think it's working. 내 생각엔 잘 되는 거 같아.
  2. I'm not playing around. 장난치는 거 아니야.
  3. I don't want to(=wanna) be like you. 나는 당신처럼 되고 싶지 않아요.
  4. Where are you going? 당신 어디로 가는 거야? This is not the way. 그 길이 아니잖아.
  5. I got no bars. 신호가 안 잡혀.
  6. Pull over? [#길한쪽으로 차를 세우다]
  7. Mommy's not gonna let anything bad happen to you. 엄마는 너희들에 나쁜 일이 생기게 놔두지 않을 거야.
  8. Would you please stop telling me to relax? 나에게 진정하라고 그만 말할래?
  9. Give us the kids, and nobody gets hurt! 아이들을 보내면, 아무도 다치지 않을 거야.


get down은 3가지 정도의 뜻으로 알아두면 편합니다. 1. 내려와 2. 고개 숙여/엎드려 3. 시작하다. 이렇게 말이죠. 쉬운 단어들이지만 알고 있는 것과 그렇지 않은 것은 다릅니다. 외우지 말고 자연스럽게 글을 보면서 익혀가면 좋을 것 같습니다. 그럼 다음 시간에 또 뵙겠습니다. 감사합니다~


