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모던패밀리로 배우는 원어민영어

원어민 영어문장 Would you get them?

by 세못없내안뿐 2024. 5. 14.

모던패밀리 시즌 1-1편에 나오는 대사를 가지고 다른 상황에서 원어민들이 사용하는 표현들을 알아보는 시간을 가져봅니다.



그들 좀 데리고 올래?



오늘의 원어민 영어문장 표현 :  Would you get them?

Claire : Kids, breakfast! Kids? 얘들아, 아침 먹어! 얘들아? Phil,
[ would you get them? ] 필, 얘들 좀 데리고 올래? Phil : Yeah, just a sec. 알겠어, 잠깐만. Claire : Kids! 얘들아! Phil : That is so,..이거 정말.. Claire : Okay... 알겠어. Phil : Kids, get down here!



I can't go until I find my cuff links. Yeah. See, I knew you would lose them. That's why I took them out of your drawer and put them in my strongbox. You're a lifesaver. [ Would you get them, please?]  We'll stop by Phil's, pick up the key. Hey, what's going on? Fredo is dead.

It's so nice to finally meet you, Mrs. Goldberg. Oh, same. Adam's told me so much about you. Like, for instance, you're almost a senior. Yeah, that's called being a junior. Oh. Snickerdoodles are ready. Squishy tush, [would you get them for me?] I would, but these old hips don't move like they used to. That's what happens when you get older. Am I right, Jackie? Don't answer! I'll get the cookies. You two just sit here in awkward silence until I get back. So...  So... What exactly are your intentions towards my boy?


그것들 가져올수 있어


Oh, how about another drink? Yeah, that would be great. Yeah. Let me get these. Oh, no, it's fine. No, it's alright. No, no, seriously. OK, [you can get them.] You get them?   I'll get them, shall I? Great, cheers. Thank you. Ah... Busted. You've got a picture of your ex in the old wallet. Oh, no, that's my sister. Oh. She's very pretty. I bet she gets all ze boyz. She's dead. Wow. It's going so well.



원어민 일상생활 문장정리


  1. Kids, get down here! 얘들아, 내려올래!
  2. I can't go until I find my cuff links. 컵 링크스를 찾을때까지 난 갈 수없어.
  3. We'll stop by Phil's. 필한테 잠깐 들릴거야.
  4. Hey, what's going on? 무슨 일이야?
  5. It's so nice to finally meet you, Mrs. Goldberg. 드디어 만나게 되어서 반가워요.
  6. Adam's told me so much about you. 아담이 당신에 대해 많이 얘기했어요.
  7. Don't answer! 얘기하지 마!
  8. Oh, how about another drink? 다른 음료 마시는 게 어때?
  9. You've got a picture of your ex in the old wallet. 지갑 속에 전여자 친구 사진을 가지고 있네.



오늘은 미국드라마 모던패밀리 시즌 1-1편에 나오는 원어민 영어표현인 Would you get them? 문장을 가지고 생활표현을 알아보고 있습니다. 다른 드라마에 나오는 다양한 표현들을 함께 알아봤습니다. 다음 편에도 또 찾아뵙겠습니다. 감사합니다.


