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원어민 영어문장 How am I supposed to~

by 세못없내안뿐 2024. 5. 20.

원어민들이 일상생활에서 정말 많이 사용하는 영어문장인 "How am I supposed to~"입니다. 내가 곤란하거나 황당한 상황이 생겼을때 말하면 제대로 의미가 전달됩니다. 아래 원어민들의 대화를 읽어보면 어떤 상황에서 사용되었는지 알수 있습니다.



내가 어떻게 알어?



God, they're both such great guys, but they're so different. How am I supposed to choose? How did you guys do it? Well, sweetheart, I ,I'm not gonna be any help here. From the minute I met your mom, there was no choice. She was smart. She was strong. She resented her father just enough to go for a guy like me. She -- She gave my life balance, and now I can't imagine it without her. Also, she's --she's crazy hot.


I got a job interview in San Francisco. Pippa set it up. Pippa? Yeah. She recommended me for it. How am I supposed to feel about this? I trusted you. Now it's your turn to trust me.


I'm sorry, ma'am, I don't know what you're talking about. Don't you know how lonely I've been, Jim? You're gone. You're dead. I cry every night. How am I supposed to survive? God. Rachel, it'll be all right. I'm so sorry, but every... Everything's gonna be all right. Okay? I buried you.



There's nothing else we could do. Are you crazy?   Got any better ideas? "Reprogram"? What the heck does that mean? How am I supposed to know? Reprogram! It didn't work. We'll figure it out later. Go. 



Susanna, it's all well and good to tell me all this. But you've got to tell some of this to your doctors. How am I supposed to recover when I don't even understand my disease? But you do understand it. You spoke very clearly about it a second ago. But I think what you've got to do is put it down. Put it awayPut it in your notebook. But get it out of yourself. Away, so you can't curl up with it anymore.



Because God forbid we call a boy a boy.  Dad, what are you say..I don't like what the world is! I'm white! When's it gonna be our turn?! Peter, relax. How am I supposed to relax? Christmas is tomorrow, and that woman who ormally does everything had to go help her sick aunt or something. You mean Lois? I don't know. The redhead with the voice. She usually hangs up these stupid Christmas lights.  And these stupid Christmas wreaths.



That burger sign has turned my room into some sort of fast-food tanning booth. How am I supposed to sleep? I know what will fix this. Abuelo, doesn't this bother you? Sorry, mija. I've lived in the city a long time. I can sleep through anything. These blackout shades should help. Try to get some sleep, mija. Come on, Hector.









You're not at the lake. No. Want to tell me why? If you won't say what's bothering you, how am I supposed to help? You tried to kill me. The guy you sent.  What guy?  The fucking guy! I don't know what you're talking about. Oh? Oh! You stay. I would never hurt you, Peter. You know that. I don't. I got you out of lockup. So you knew where I was. In a safe place. That was the point. My God, I flew Astrid in all the way from Berlin to take care of you. Astrid is dead. What? How?  What do you fucking mean, how? The guy with the hat, he shot her! Listen to me. We can figure this out.  No! Together, like we always have. Where is he? I raised you, Peter. Stay there. You are my child. More than that. I would never hurt you. Never. I love you. That's the God's honest truth. No. If you don't believe that, please, just pull the trigger.




원어민들의 일상생활 영어문장 정리

  1. God, they're both such great guys, but they're so different. 아, 그들 둘다 정말 멋진남자지만 그들은 정말 달라요.
  2. How did you guys do it? 이거 당신들은 어떻게 했어요?
  3. I'm not gonna be any help here. 여기선 어떤 도움도 못줄것 같구나.
  4. there was no choice.선택의 여지가 없었다.
  5. now I can't imagine it without her. 지금은 그녀없는건 상상도 할수없다.
  6. I trusted you. Now it's your turn to trust me. 난 당신을 믿었어. 이제 당신이 날 믿을차례야.
  7. Pippa set it up. 피파가 마련했다.
  8. I don't know what you're talking about. 너가 뭐에관에 말하는지 모르겠다.
  9. it'll be all right. I'm so sorry, but every... Everything's gonna be all right. Okay?
  10. There's nothing else we could do.우리가 할수 있는게 없다. Are you crazy?  Got any better ideas? 더 좋은게 있어?
  11. I think what you've got to do is put it down. Put it away. 내생각에 당신이 해야되는것은 그것을 내려놓는거다. 그것을 떨쳐버려라.
  12. I know what will fix this. 내가 이것을 고칠것을 안다.
  13. I would never hurt you, Peter.




