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원어민 실생활 영어문장 What's wrong with it?

by 세못없내안뿐 2024. 5. 23.

영어문장 What's wrong with it? 이 어떤 상황에서 사용되는지 영화와 미드를 통해서 배워보겠습니다. 쉬운 영어와 함께 해보세요.



이봐, 잠깐만, 귀가 왜그래?



오늘의 미드 모던패밀리의 원어민 영어문장 표현 : What's wrong with it?


[모던패밀리 시즌1-1중에서] Haley : What's Wrong with it? 무슨 문제 있어요?(무슨 일이야?) Claire : Honey, do you have anything to say to your daughter... 여보, 당신 딸에게 뭐 해줄 말 없어요 about her skirt? 그녀 치마에 대해?


[Rocky V (1990) 영화 중에서] Hey, wait a minute. What's wrong with your ear? What's wrong with it? You got something growing in your ear. You got like a bump. What bump? This bump. Thanks, Dad. Hey, you deserve it. Thank you for being born. Thank you, thank you, thank you. What do you think? The new me? Well, you look like the daughter that I always wanted. What are you talking about? Yo, yo. Hey, now, don't punch me. I'm getting brittle as it is.[#부서지기쉬운] Look at this, you know. I've been running up and down these steps for 20 years, and I never knew there was valuable pictures in this building, you know? Well, you're never too old to learn something new. Yeah. You're gonna love Picasso. Yeah?  Yeah, well, I love almost everybody.





Quinces - One Day at a Time [S01E13]중에서
Thank you so much, abuelita. It's beautiful. What's wrong with it? Nothing. I'm happy, I'm smiling. Exactly. You are not sobbing with joy. I have failed you. I have failed my family. I have failed Cuba. Everything is all set for tomorrow. And I just want to say, you have chosen the perfect ballroom. Penelope. This place is an acoustical nightmare. Doc, what are you doing here? Practicing my toast, duh. Oh. The toast is kinda my thing. So maybe you don't speak. Don't worry, Leslie. Elena's quinces is going to be a very special day for everyone. No. Don't film that. Excuse me. Where is the dance floor? Um, you're standing on it. Are you kidding me? I have relatives who escaped from Cuba on a raft bigger than this.



영화의 대본으로 알아본 원어민 일상생활 문장정리

    1. Hey, wait a minute. What's wrong with your ear?  이봐, 잠깐만, 너 귀가 왜이래?
    2. You got something growing in your ear. 귀속에 뭔가 자라고 있다.
    3. Hey, you deserve it. Thank you for being born. 넌 그럴 자격이 있어. 태어나줘서 고마워.
    4. What are you talking about? 무슨 소리하는 거예요?
    5. you're never too old to learn something new. 당신은 새로운 것을 배우기에 너무 늙지 않다.
    6. Everything is all set for tomorrow. 내일을 위해 모든 것이 준비되어 있다.
    7. what are you doing here? 
    8. Don't film that. 찍지 마.
    9. Are you kidding me? 



오늘은 원어민들이 정말 많이 사용하는 영어문장인 "What's wrong with it?"에 대하여 알아봤습니다. "무슨 일이야? 뭔데?" 이런 뉘앙스를 기억하고 있으면 됩니다. 그럼 다음시간에도 또 뵙겠습니다. 감사합니다.

